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13 Tips for Fire Safety and Prevention in Your Home

Writer's picture: Noel TateNoel Tate

Whether you've recently moved into a new home, or are concerned about safety in your current home, our top tips will help ensure your family home is as safe and secure as possible.

In a house fire, just 2-3 breaths of toxic fumes can render a person unconscious, and swift action is vital to prevent tragedy. Each year in Ireland there are hundreds house fires, resulting in deaths due to the absence of working smoke alarms. In fact, 40% of people who died in house fires from 2010 to 2019 lived in a home without a smoke alarm.

Install Smoke Alarms

One of the simplest yet most effective steps you can take is installing smoke alarms in your home. Make sure you buy smoke alarms from one form a repuible retailer and not just the cheapest you can find online.

At a minimum, you shoud have a smoke alarm in your hall and landing, but it is advised to have one in your kitchen and any habitable rooms (bedrooms). Remember a fire can start from your kitchen, or any electrical applicance/fixture so by having a smoke detector in each habitable room you ensure that no matter where a fire might stars, you and your family will alerted.

Be Cautions of Overloading Electrical Appliances

Check that your socket are not overheating, avoid overloading them, and if you do notice a plug/socket getting unusually hot during use, unplug it!

Faulty electrics, especially in appliances, wiring, and overloaded sockets, are responsible for a large number of house fires annually and can be easily avoided.

Have your Gas and Oil Burning Applicances Serviced Annually

Every single appliance, including heating boilers, that burns gas or oil should be serviced and inspetced annually. A lot of people see this as an unwanted extra cost and avoid getting it done. But those regulations are in place for a reason.

In addition to preventing fires or explosions, this will also reduse the chace of Carbon Monoxide poisioning form faulty applicances.

Unplug electronic "heating" devices when not in use to minimize the risk of electrical fires.

Tumble dryers, dishwashers, space heaters, curling irons, and heated blankets should not be left running unattended, as they pose potential fire hazards.

These devices are designed to create heat from electricity and just one small fault can result in a fire breaking out.

Unplug them when not in use!

Use Surge Protectors

If you have a lot of computer or IT equipment, consider investing in a surge protector to plug your devices into.

Plan Your Escape Route

As a family, choose a safe escape route and ensure everyone is aware of it. Keep exits clear at all times, and if doors are double-locked, ensure everyone knows the location of keys.

Fire Safety Procedures in Apartment

For those in apartments, familiarize yourself with fire procedures, inspect communal firefighting equipment regularly, and ensure communal alarms are operational. Check your lease for details and seek clarification from your solicitor if needed.

Maintain your Chimney!

If you have an open fire or stove, ensure the chimney is swept regurally. At least once per year for moderate use or twice per year if you use it daily.

Install Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Dozens of people die each year in Ireland from carbon monoxide poisoning. Install detectors complying with Irish Standard IS EN 50291 and as above, ensure regular servicing of heating appliances.

Never Leave Flames Unattended

Whether cooking, lighting candles, or using any flame, always supervise. Install fire extinguishers and smoke alarms in relevant areas.

Keep Clutter and Flamable Material to a Minimum

Minimize clutter in your home to reduce the risk of fires easily spreading and to make escape earier!

If you burn solid fuel, you can also ensure that you keep a minimum amount of firewood/coal/turn indoors. All it takes is one spark!


Regurally remove any lint from your tumble dryer filter and lint traps. If you ever notice a burning smell, immediatley turn off and unplug your dryer. Then call a qualified technician to inspect and repair if necessary.

Invest in Fire Safety Equipment

Own fire extinguishers and blankets, but be sure to understand proper usage through a fire safety course or local fire brigade advice.

Extinguish Fires/Candles Properly

If you have a fireplace, extinguish the fire before leaving the area, ensuring it is completely smothered.

If you light candles, don't go to bed and leave them burning.

Use Common Sense

It can be very easy to become comforatble and complacient in our surroundings. We should of course feel safe and secure in our own homes, but by taking a few small, but important steps we can drastically minimise the chances of tragedy stricking.

Take a few minutes out to inspect your home. Make sure you have smoke and CO2 detectors where they should be. Remove any potential fire hazards and make sure you are prepared for the worst with fire safety equipment, like an extuingsher and fire blanket and an escape plan. You may never need to use them, but if you do you will be thankful you took the time and effort!



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